What is OnlineLR ?
OnlineLR is a mobile application to generate all transport documents from mobile / desktop devices using the internet. Users can generate documents such as LR / GR / Good Note (Bilty) , Invoice, Loading Slip, Truck Hiring Note, Transit Pass, Payment Receipt , Paid Advice etc.
Online LR is Fast, Simple & 100% Secure app for transport / logistic business documentation. Made in India app created to empower transporters, agents or brokers across PAN India. Now all your Transpor tbook in your pocket. Transport lorry receipt formate available in PDF with different copies of Bilty for Consignor, Consignee, Driver & Transport Office
OnlineLR (Transport LR) Users
? Transporters
? Freight Booking & Commission Agents
? Transportation Service Providers
? Logistic Companies
? Truck Owners & Driver
? Transport Brokers
? Consignors & Factory Owners